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Oval refurbishment

Resurface and fence oval and add synthetic area.

Project details

Suggested by: Rod

Project partner: Glenroy College




170 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

We would like fencing installed around our oval area to make it safer for our students to play ball games without balls going on the road. We would also like to get our grassed area refurbished as it is uneven and unsafe for students' ankles whilst playing sport. Ideally, this would include an upgrade to the irrigation system for ongoing maintenance. The third component of our plan is to include a synthetic running track around the outside and a synthetic soccer pitch. However, we realise $200,000 will probably not cover all works.

At present, our students are reluctant to use the space for fear of injury and balls going on the road. We feel it would provide better facilities for PE classes and also for lunchtime activities, which our students are desperately in need of. It would also provide a space for students to exercise rather than sit passively during breaks. It can also be made available to the local community.

Project details

Suggested by: Rod

Project partner: Glenroy College




170 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


16 Sep 2018

The oval hasn't changed for decades. The idea of refurbishing is definitely a must.


16 Sep 2018

This will be awesome for the students, a much needed facility.


14 Sep 2018

Definitely a MUST project. Just voted for it.


13 Sep 2018

A very important and valuable initiative.


13 Sep 2018

Glenroy college and the community would benefit from the upgrades. It will encourage students to be more active and have an oval and space to be proud of!


12 Sep 2018

A much needed initiative which will go inline with the vast improvements made at Glenroy College over the years.


06 Sep 2018

urgently in need

LMC Glenroy

05 Sep 2018

A move back to the area has revealed some facilities have been sadly neglected. ...time to get rid of the outdated and arsenic ridden treated pine fencing and provide a safer environment for the current & future students( from an ex student).


01 Sep 2018

It’s a great idea, it will definitely benefit the community.


30 Aug 2018

Hi, my name is Mert Dunman and I’m a student at Glenroy College. I am part of a soccer program outside of school and really enjoy playing soccer. If we were to have a soccer field at our school, I believe it’d help a lot for people to have fun and hang out with friends. Thank you ❤️


30 Aug 2018

Hi my name is Dalia Hassoun of year 11 and I'm part of the year 11 Physical Education class and behalf of my class, I'd like to encourage everyone to vote for this oval refurbishment. I can not stress to you enough how much this refurbishment would mean to our school. It would encourage our students to engage in more physical activity and also for local community members to engage in more physical activity with this wonderful refurbishment. Thank you!


29 Aug 2018

Glenroy College and its community need this!
It would be fantastic to see the oval secure and safe.
the Refurbishing of the oval will give kids the opportunity to be more active, while using the space.


28 Aug 2018

What greater value is there than to invest in an opportunity that will enhance the lives of the young of our community, an investment that will pay dividends in the culture, skill and physical well being while also being beneficial to our wider community as a whole.


23 Aug 2018

Help us students be safe in our community


22 Aug 2018

Glenroy College and its community need this!

This will dramatically improve the schools ability to delivery quality safe sporting programs to its students whilst inevitably increasing the value of its surroundings


21 Aug 2018

The oval needs to be made safer and useable. Students are rarely using it and in this age of technology an area such as this is needed to encourage students to play outside.

Mary Lymbouris

19 Aug 2018

The current sports green needs to be made safer and more appealing for its students and their community.


19 Aug 2018

This refurbishment would help make the space safe and usable to students who are always being encouraged to be more active. This will enable them to have a space they can not only feel proud of but also use it to its full potential.

De de

18 Aug 2018

Please help keep our children safe. This needs to be done, as does the small old fence that’s been like this for years. A very neglected school from council an government.


16 Aug 2018

A facility like this will make a huge difference to the school experience and will keep the students active and engaged in fitness and sport


16 Aug 2018

It’s so important for kids to remain active. Having an oval that’s safe and useable is fundamental for keeping kids healthy and enjoying sport.


16 Aug 2018

Once we get the fence and the oval fixed, it would be amazing to see the children playing and feeling safe and not wondering if they will get hurt by falling in a pot hole or getting hit by a car as their ball rolls into the street. KorkyGC


15 Aug 2018

This is a great idea that would benefit the wider community!

F Khoder

15 Aug 2018

It would be fantastic to see the oval secure and safe for the students to use.


15 Aug 2018

Prefix the Title of the project with GLENROY COLLEGE