Img 1058

Oval refurbishment

Resurface and fence oval and add synthetic area.

Project details

Suggested by: Rod

Project partner: Glenroy College




170 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

We would like fencing installed around our oval area to make it safer for our students to play ball games without balls going on the road. We would also like to get our grassed area refurbished as it is uneven and unsafe for students' ankles whilst playing sport. Ideally, this would include an upgrade to the irrigation system for ongoing maintenance. The third component of our plan is to include a synthetic running track around the outside and a synthetic soccer pitch. However, we realise $200,000 will probably not cover all works.

At present, our students are reluctant to use the space for fear of injury and balls going on the road. We feel it would provide better facilities for PE classes and also for lunchtime activities, which our students are desperately in need of. It would also provide a space for students to exercise rather than sit passively during breaks. It can also be made available to the local community.

Project details

Suggested by: Rod

Project partner: Glenroy College




170 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed

David W

15 Aug 2018

Much needed project for the community


14 Aug 2018

Please help us help our students and make a difference