
Healthy Food, Healthy Mood!

A community program for children about healthy eating; healthy mind


Project details

Suggested by: Rachel

Project partner: Geelong Football Club






270 votes received

Children who reside in the Barwon area will be provided with an interactive learning experience about food and mood. Utilising AFL/AFLW role models, the program will encourage fruit and vegetable consumption by using a range of evidence-based strategies, including an e-book of the players saving the world from the Junk Punks who are trying to make the world unhealthy and unhappy. All the resources will be linked to the Australian curriculum and can be accessed at home or in the classroom. Parent and teacher workshops will be provided to help support a whole-school framework towards promoting diet and mental health.

This free program improves community well-being by supporting over 10,000 children/families and up to 100 schools with a resource that will empower individuals with skills to improve their diet and mental health.The percentage of children and adults eating enough vegetables in the Barwon region is below the Victorian average. Poor diets are linked to more emotional problems in children and with mental health disorders accounting for the largest burden of disability in Australia, it’s important that we address healthy eating early to reduce depression and anxiety. Teaching positive eating behaviours during childhood can set healthy eating habits for life.


Project details

Suggested by: Rachel

Project partner: Geelong Football Club






270 votes received


Comments closed

Kathy Turner

06 Sep 2018

Eating healthily and specifically eating green vegetables and avoiding processed foods is essential for good mental and physical health in every age group, but is vitally important in children. I look forward to hearing how this project is progressing