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Gladstone Park Agricultural Centre

To educate students and community on plants, animals and sustainability.


Project details

Suggested by: Michele

Project partner: Gladstone Park Secondary College




434 votes received

Here at Gladstone Park Secondary College we are focused on creating learning programs that teach students about the need for sustainability in the modern world. The Agricultural Centre will be a learning hub, where students and the wider community will be given practical, hands-on experience in areas such as horticulture, agriculture and sustainability. We want to expand our existing vegetable garden, install an aquaponics system, chicken pen, reptile house, bee hives, fruit trees, indigenous shrubs, storage shed and outdoor classroom/laboratory for use by the school community and our partners such as local primary schools and La Tobe University.

Senior students will have access to VETis subjects, while Years 7 to 12 science students will use the agriculture centre to study biology, chemistry, physical and earth sciences.
VCAL students and staff would maintain the centre and sell produce from the centre to the school and wider community.
We currently run a science program for the local primary schools and would extend this to include activities in the centre. We are involved with the Latrobe University Unibridges program and would work in partnership with university staff and students to plan and implement the required improvements to our centre.


Project details

Suggested by: Michele

Project partner: Gladstone Park Secondary College




434 votes received


Comments closed


16 Aug 2018

As a staff member at the College, seeing the work that our students do in the vegetable garden and for the environment and our wider community is so rewarding.
Having this centre at the college would enable students to also look at careers in this field.