"We are losing patience with the Chief Medical Officer who appears to lack understanding & compassion for thousands of Australians, despite our best efforts". [Mia Davies MLA]
The Federal Nationals Conference held in Canberra on Saturday 18 August debated an URGENT motion REQUESTING the Australian Government to:
1. Recognise that a Lyme-like disease exists in Australia and is placed on the ‘notifiable disease’ register.
2. Insist that doctors who are treating Lyme-like disease in Australia are protected from investigation and reprisals, in particular but not limited to, medical boards in Australia.
3. Insist that general practice & infectious disease specialist doctors are provided best practice education on Lyme-like diagnosis & treatment.
4. Ensure patients are offered affordable testing, treatment, & full access to acute & chronic disease support.
5. Commit to research, on par with other infectious diseases, such as Zika, SARS, Ebola etc.
6. That this matter be treated with urgency & is initiated prior to the upcoming Federal Election
The motion was argued & unanimously accepted by the delegates. For this we have the National Party’s Western Australian Leader Mia Davies MLA & Tori Castledine, who seconded the motion, to thank for their stellar efforts. They spoke with passion on behalf of Lyme patients.
Ms Mia Davies said “Following a Round Table with the Lyme Disease Association of Australia (LDAA) & Federal Government politicians in 2014, it was agreed in November 2015 to hold an “Inquiry into the growing evidence of an emerging tick-borne disease that causes a Lyme-like illness for many Australia patients. 12 Recommendations resulted & were published in 2017. Since the Recommendations were published, very little has changed, & patients are losing hope." she said.
This is a fantastic result for Lyme patients, with the LDAA once again delivering solid results for our members. We will continue to represent Lyme patients & sincerely thank the National Party for their support.
So in summary, the Federal Nationals are urgently requesting the Australian Government to ACT NOW to assist Lyme (like) patients & to protect treating doctors.
Pick My Project Admin
Pick My Project Team
24 Aug 2018
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