Healthy eating habits tt


Educating healthy options with a kids cooking program.

Project details

Suggested by: Lauren

Project partner: Hume City Council




54 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Teaching healthy eating habits and modeling these behaviors can help our community maintain a healthy weight and normal growth. Also, the eating habits children pick up when they are young will help them maintain a healthy lifestyle when they are adults. Australia is fighting the obesity war. We will help educate children in a fun cooking program that children can then educate their parents with on what they should be eating at home.

Obesity in Australia is one of the biggest public health challenges facing the population. More than half of the adult population has a body weight that poses serious health risks. More than 60% of Australian adults are obese and almost 10% are severely obese. At least a quarter of Australian children and adolescents are obese or overweight. We want to educate our children in our community not to become a statistic in being overweight, but to be our future educators to promote healthy eating and being active in our community to lead a healthier life.

Project details

Suggested by: Lauren

Project partner: Hume City Council




54 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


13 Sep 2018

Food teacher happy to help


09 Sep 2018

If something is cooking kids then it must be stopped before any more fall victim.