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Warracknabeal - Skate, Scoot, Ride

Install a Modular Pump Track, ANZAC Park - Warracknabeal

Project details

Suggested by: Melissa

Project partner: ANZAC Park Trustees - Warracknabeal




84 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

A modular pump track would provide hours of enjoyment for many members of our community. Suitable for all wheeled sports, all ages and all abilities. The track would complement existing infrastructure at our local sporting ground while catering to a diverse range of needs. Younger children have been asking for an alternative to the skate park which is frequently at capacity. The modular track meets these needs while also providing a new challenge for older more experienced participants. The track would likely be located near the existing playground creating a play space suitable for a more diverse age group.

A Modular Pumptrack is the perfect solution for getting our community back outdoors and active again. Being fit, healthy and active provides all kinds of social, emotional and intellectual benefits including developing confidence, cooperation and teamwork.

A modular track would be the perfect new draw-card activity for our area. This could help capitalise on people visiting the Silo Art Trail encouraging them to visit our town creating revenue for businesses in Warracknabeal. Visitors will stop, buy, play and stay if there is a great reason to.

Being modular the track can be added to or reconfigured to create ongoing interest.

Project details

Suggested by: Melissa

Project partner: ANZAC Park Trustees - Warracknabeal




84 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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