Pmp vsa! 8jul18

Victoria Street Alive!

Residents and businesses leading events and activities revitalising Victoria Street

Project details

Suggested by: Greg

Project partner: City of Yarra




87 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Residents working with the support of council, traders, schools, police and our whole community will collaborate, create and deliver place-making projects and activities designed to revitalise Victoria Street (Richmond).

Bringing community together to share, reflect and determine what can be done to reinvigorate Victoria Street and make our neighbourhood safe and great. Creating events, activities and spaces where people engage, meet and learn, where ideas take shape, collaborations are ignited, and partners are found.

We will bring our community’s ideas to life, turning our streets, laneways, parks and empty shops into creative, safe, friendly, appealing places.

We are about realising great outcomes for our community.

We know to create a safer and more trusting community we need to inspire people to take action on things they feel passionate about.

This project drives community led activities and place-making that will restore Victoria Street’s vitality, vibrancy and visibility. It will connect residents, traders and supporters to collaborate and generate activity that revitalises our neighbourhood.

An engaged community will also reduce crime, anti-social activity, graffiti and vandalism. With a collaborative, can-do spirit our neighbourhood will promote Victoria St as a great place to live, work and visit once again.

Project details

Suggested by: Greg

Project partner: City of Yarra




87 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


16 Sep 2018

This project will help local businesses to thrive and refresh after the improvements realized by the implementation of the safe objecting rooms


06 Sep 2018

This project has the capacity to create a lot of necessary change.


03 Sep 2018

This is essential for a revitalisation of Victoria St


02 Sep 2018

A great idea for all locals


01 Sep 2018

This seems a good concept but it lacks detail.

John R

25 Aug 2018

Revitalise the local community and the local streets


19 Aug 2018

People working together for a shared purpose.


16 Aug 2018

Community people supporting each other - the most effective way


14 Aug 2018

A much needed investment for our vibrant, diverse and densely populated neighbourhood! Support!


13 Aug 2018

Council support to revitalise this key street in such sad decline would be a true investment in community. So much potential...such an unrealised asset