Verve cover photo

Verve Magazine

Verve Magazine is an independent multimedia platform for young creatives.

Project details

Suggested by: Clementine

Project partner: Verve Magazine




73 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful. is an open, inclusive and diverse platform that aims to publish the works of young creatives who do not yet have access to the mainstream media. The online website functions as a stepping-stone for young artists, writers and creators of all kind to publish their work, gain confidence and public attention in order to encourage them to pursue their goals. We launched in December 2017 and have since then showcased over 60 young talented individuals' works and projects. Access to funding would enable us to set up a free annual print edition, free lectures, as well as cultural events.

This project would foster a sense of community amongst the creative arts scene for the youth and be the first all-encompassing print issue of its kind in Melbourne. It brings to light hidden local talent, gives the youth the opportunity to have a 'voice' since the platform is built upon the principles of inclusivity and diversity (and we want to develop this further by reaching out to marginalised communities in Victoria), it overrides the competitive image of the arts and fosters instead a safe space for creatives built on trust and mutual support, rather than financial worries.

Project details

Suggested by: Clementine

Project partner: Verve Magazine




73 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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