Mosque hudson

Upgrade Indoor Cooling & Heating Air Quality

Improve indoor air quality of hall of the Mosque

Project details

Suggested by: Marko

Project partner: AISA Mosque




135 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

It is proposed to replace all the existing wall mounted split system air conditioners and replace them with an advanced and efficient reverse recycle air conditioner of 252 kW. The Mosque is a non-profit community hall. Funding comes from member fees and donations and some government funding. Due to limited funding, the Centre has not afforded to install a proper central air conditioning system. The Club’s funding is mainly spent on the essential items like electricity, building maintenance, staffing. There is usually no funding left for heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

The Centre is more than a place of worship. It serves as a meeting place for the elderly non-English speaking members and refuge for the women who suffer some form of domestic violence and have no other places to go to and the homeless. A lot of elderly members who are of Muslim descent do not speak English and are always confined to their home by themselves. The Mosque gives them a meeting place with other members of similar situation instead of staying at home by themselves. It would give more enjoyment to the elderly members and more hygienic venue.

Project details

Suggested by: Marko

Project partner: AISA Mosque




135 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed

Halil Ercan

29 Aug 2018

Sounds great cant wait to have aircon/ heaters