20180612 161201

Tyntynder South Hall roof replacement project

To replace the roof cladding on the Tyntynder South Hall

Project details

Suggested by: Garry

Project partner: Swan Hill Rural City Council






Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

The project is to replace the roof cladding on the Tyntynder South Hall. The existing cladding is old and leaks water into the hall when it rains. The hall is used mainly for old time dancing. Dance practice is conducted there every Thursday night and a dance is held on the first and second Saturday nights of each month. People from the Swan Hill, Kerang, Moulamein and the local area attend these events, and the hall is also used for meetings involving the dance committee and the 4 equestrian groups, from the EF Butler reserve, where the hall is located.

The hall has one of the best dance floors within the greater Swan Hill area, and will become damaged and unusable if it continues to get wet. The attendance at events has increased considerably since the dance committee carried out several upgrades within the hall over the last few years. The toilet/showers have been replaced, the kitchen has been renovated, cooling and heating has been installed in the hall, the power supply and switch board have been upgraded.
By keeping the floor and hall in good condition we hope to increase the number of people attending our dances even further.

Project details

Suggested by: Garry

Project partner: Swan Hill Rural City Council






Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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