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Toilet facility in Jubilee Park, Wurrumbit Birring Yaarr, Woodford

Installation of composting toilets in Jubilee Park, Woodford

Project details

Suggested by: Tricia

Project partner: Woodford Primary School




321 votes received

To ensure a range of small and large communities had the opportunity to be part of Pick My Project, no more than 50 per cent of a regional partnership areas funding was awarded to one local government area (LGA). As a result this project was unsuccessful.

Providing accessible toilets for all Park users including neighbouring Woodford Primary School and for inter-school sporting events, this project will install twin-cubicle toilets (one of which is unisex/ambulant) at Jubilee Park Reserve at Woodford. They'll be elevated, waterless/hybrid and composting. Currently there are no public toilet facilities in or near the popular Park, which is also surrounded by two large housing developments in the north. Another residential development currently being planned is only 500 meters west of the existing Park. There are public safety and health concerns expressed by users, including many small children, with the lack of facilities.

The new playground and social gathering space was opened in March 2016 after extensive community consultation, revegetation, and rejuvenation of a well used public space alongside the Merri river. The Master Plan identified Jubilee Park 'as an integral part of Woodford'. However, despite the new housing developments in the immediate area and the well equipped Park and playground, there are no public toilet facilities in or near the Park. The installation of sustainable and energy efficient unisex/ambulant composting toilet facilities will provide accessibility for all Park users, the neighbouring school and help to reduce inappropriate toileting and environmental pollution.

Project details

Suggested by: Tricia

Project partner: Woodford Primary School




321 votes received

To ensure a range of small and large communities had the opportunity to be part of Pick My Project, no more than 50 per cent of a regional partnership areas funding was awarded to one local government area (LGA). As a result this project was unsuccessful.


Comments closed


13 Sep 2018

It is vital in this beautifully created social gathering space to be complemented with an environmentally friendly public toilet facility to, not only support sustainability of the park, but also encourage the public to enjoy and make full use of this special area.

Project Owner

TriciaB > AnitaMC

14 Sep 2018

Hi Anita, Yes, it is a special place. Hopefully, with a toilet installation the place will be even better for all. Please encourage all your friends and local contacts to vote for this Project. Not long to go! Thanks!


11 Sep 2018

A toilet is essential when using this facility

Project Owner

TriciaB > edmond

11 Sep 2018

Hi Edmond,
You’re absolutely right!
Please encourage your family and friends to vote for this project. It’s not too late!

Mike Clark

05 Sep 2018

The previous project converted a tired space, much abused, where an abandoned Tennis club house and toilets had stood and turned it into a vibrant and much used facility. The missing link being toilet facilities.

Project Owner

TriciaB > Mike Clark

11 Sep 2018

Hi Mike, The facility will get very tired again if toilets are not soon installed at the Park. Please encourage your family and friends to vote and help make this project a reality.

Jim Morrissey

04 Sep 2018

It's an absolute must in order to allow people to make full use of this area. Like Lake Pertobe it could then be used for social gatherings and not just for a quick visit to the playground for the kids.

Project Owner

TriciaB > Jim Morrissey

05 Sep 2018

Hi Jim, There are so many possibilities but, it won’t happen without the installation of toilets at Woodford’s Park.Please let your friends know and encourage them to vote. Thanks!

Helen Jane

31 Aug 2018

Much needed as it is a long way to the next public toilet

Project Owner

TriciaB > Helen Jane

02 Sep 2018

Hi Helen, Yes, there are so many reasons to get this project selected by the region, especially since there is not another toilet in the area. The toilet is urgently needed.! Thanks for your support. Please encourage your family, friends and work colleagues to vote for this project. There is not much time left!

Maureen Timms

27 Aug 2018

Great idea as it is a great park and the whole area is growing rapidly with lots of young children and visiting grandparents.

Project Owner

TriciaB > Maureen Timms

02 Sep 2018

Hi Maureen, It’s a lovely Park for everyone to enjoy. Please encourage all your family and friends to vote now. There isn’t much time and this Project is so important.


24 Aug 2018

Absolutely essential - a beautiful park and children’s playground - needs toilet facilities ASAP!

Project Owner

TriciaB > Kylie

02 Sep 2018

Hi Kylie, Yes, it is a beautiful Park ( for now). However, it’s not sustainable without the installation of toilets. Please encourage your family, friends and work colleagues to vote for this project, as soon as possible.


23 Aug 2018

this project is a must. It's just terrible visiting the park and finding- there is no toilet facility !!

Project Owner

TriciaB > mjshalders

23 Aug 2018

Yes, The toilet facilities are essential for the sustainability of the Park. Please encourage your family, friends and work colleagues to vote for this essential Project. There are still a lot of people in our community that aren’t aware of what ‘Pick My Project’ is all about. We need to all promote this ‘one off’ opportunity for our community. Thank you!


23 Aug 2018

Toilet facilities are desperately needed at the park

Project Owner

TriciaB > CarolD

23 Aug 2018

Absolutely! The toilet facilities are long overdue. Please encourage your family, friends and work colleagues to vote for this important and essential project. Thank you!


22 Aug 2018

Necessary addition to this developing playground.


22 Aug 2018

Great playground and definitely needs a composting toilet for the many users

Project Owner

TriciaB > AliLou

23 Aug 2018

Yes, it is a great playground and Park generally. Just think how much more we could enjoy the Park if there were toilet facilities there? Please spread the word and encourage your family, friends and work colleagues to vote for this special (& much needed) project. Thank you!


21 Aug 2018

A composting toilet is a very practical and necessary environmentally friendly addition to this beautiful park.

Project Owner

TriciaB > Natasha

23 Aug 2018

Hi Natasha, I agree with your sentiments totally. The Park is not sustainable without a toilet. What’s more, we need to protect the whole environment around the Park too. Please encourage your family and friends to vote for this important project.


19 Aug 2018

I like the idea of a composting toilet for the park

Project Owner

TriciaB > Maida

20 Aug 2018

Thanks Maida! Yes, it would be great for everyone to use a toilet facility in the well used Park.

Yvonne J Lefebure

19 Aug 2018

Keep up the hard work, Trish...Jubilee Park and all the people who visit it will be better off for your efforts! I hope everyone supports this project....it is sustainable, environmentally friendly and absolutely necessary!

Project Owner

TriciaB > Yvonne J Lefebure

19 Aug 2018

Thanks Yvonne for your support & encouragement. This important project will be a success if the whole community gets behind it. Everyone wins!

Raj Samrai

18 Aug 2018

A toilet is essential to complement this excellent recreational space.

Project Owner

TriciaB > Raj Samrai

19 Aug 2018

Thanks Raj. The Park won’t be so good in the future if we don’t get toilets. Please let your friends know too. It appears that a lot of people in the city don’t know about the opportunity to vote.

Fan of Woody

18 Aug 2018

Woodford really needs this facility. Please vote for this project.

Project Owner

TriciaB > Fan of Woody

19 Aug 2018

Hi, I’m a great fan of Woodford too! Let’s hope we can make the community even better with a facility that everyone can use now &, in the future.

Pip and Bernie

18 Aug 2018

Fantastic park, toilets essential for it to be used to it’s full potential.

Project Owner

TriciaB > Pip and Bernie

19 Aug 2018

Hi Pip and Bernie, Yes, the installation of toilets at Jubilee Park, Woodford are essential. Please tell your family and friends. We must get the community to vote for this sustainable project.


17 Aug 2018

Would be a great addition to a great park

Project Owner

TriciaB > nicbyrne

18 Aug 2018

Hi Nic,
Yes, it is a great Park. Please tell your family and friends to vote..

Jenny E

16 Aug 2018

This is what is needed to complete a great family resource. Wherever children spend time a toilet is an absolute necessity! Jenny E

Project Owner

TriciaB > Jenny E

16 Aug 2018

Thanks Jenny! You certainly understand. With a toilet installation the children of the future will be able to enjoy the Park & playground for a long time to come.


16 Aug 2018

Great idea for fantastic place. Absolutely needed.

Project Owner

TriciaB > cooperrobyn

16 Aug 2018

Can’t agree more! Please tell all your friends & family to vote. Thank you


15 Aug 2018

We live within walking distance of this amazing area, but unfortunately rarly use it..
If there was a toilet facility we would definitely be there most days.
It's a great area for our local community but would definitely benefit from a toilet facility

Project Owner

TriciaB > KezLee

15 Aug 2018

Hi Kez, Just think how popular the whole Park (& walking trails ) would be with access to toilets? There is so much to be gained by getting this Project over the line.


15 Aug 2018

Fantastic project!

Project Owner

TriciaB > TTaylor

15 Aug 2018

Yes, this particular Project ticks lots of boxes. Please encourage your family, friends & work colleagues to support this Project. Thank you.


15 Aug 2018

If you build playgrounds and BBQs to attract people to an area, Then you must also have toilet facilities for them.

Project Owner

TriciaB > Adrian

15 Aug 2018

Absolutely! I’m sure lots more families would visit the Park if there were accessible toilets.


15 Aug 2018

I support this project as it will be of great benefit to the community and it is also sustainable.

Project Owner

TriciaB > elvishk

15 Aug 2018

Yes, this Project is a fine example of sustainability. And like you said, everyone benefits. Thanks you.


14 Aug 2018

This is our favourite playground! We would visit even more if you there were toilets. Toilets are definitely needed.

Project Owner

TriciaB > Tanya

15 Aug 2018

Yes, I agree. This Park has the BEST playground and a lot more. The toilet is urgently needed.