Caps hand kid

Thomastown Recycle Return

Recycle plastic bottle tops into practical resources for the community.

Project details

Suggested by: Ian

Project partner: Envision Employment Services




90 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Thomastown Recycle Return will use discarded plastic bottle tops to make very functional
utensils, tools and outdoor furniture that will be made available to local schools, aged care
facilities and people with disabilities. The project will begin in Thomastown but eventually
spread to all the Northern Metropolitan Region. Collection bins for bottle tops will be
provided to local schools, sporting clubs and council facilities to gather the tops. The bottle
tops will be collected, processed and made into usable material to make a range of products
including easy grip bottle openers, planter boxes, disability aids, even mobile phone holders.

The project will provide a practical way for the local community to become involved in
recycling. The recycled product will be useful for local schools, aged care facilities,
community groups and people with disabilities – as the activity progresses the range of
products will grow according to need and increasing expertise. The Project will encourage the
local community to be involved in the whole process of recycling the bottle tops with a view to
providing skills training, increasing social participation and a first hand appreciation of the value
of recycling. Information sessions will also be held at local schools.

Project details

Suggested by: Ian

Project partner: Envision Employment Services




90 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed

07 Sep 2018

I love this Envision THOMASTOWN PRACTICAL RECYCLING, this can help so many people in the long term!

ian w robertson

06 Sep 2018

There are a lot of great projects on here. So thanks a lot for landing here and considering us. However of these worthy projects there are very few that could be considered truly life changing. This one is one of those rare few. Its not a garden or cute thing made of recycled materials. Its not a fix & feel good and then over, It actually reduces land fill and gives people with no hands or legs the ability to walk or grasp. It is tempting to want to beautify ones own area... but this pick my project is more than that. It is the very real opportunity to make an impact on less fortunate lives. Please think a little more than your own needs of where my kids want to play (I have kids in the area also and want the best for them) or what would help me in my life...this is a chance to really help people. Please, I ask it of you, take this opportunity to help someone other than yourself, other than what is good for me right here right now. Help our environment in a sustainable and practical way. Lend a hand to those without hands & limbs, vote for us.