Cricket team

The "First Aboriginal Cricket Team" Field Art

Honouring the Aboriginal Cricket Team that toured England in 1868

Project details

Suggested by: James

Project partner: Edenhope Tourism Inc.




65 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

This project will be a permanent public display in similar style to the figure represented in the supplied photograph. Each of 11 figures will be steel, mounted in concrete and will be located on or about the foreshore of Lake Wallace at Edenhope. The figures will represent each member of the 1868 Aboriginal Cricket Team. The figures will be approximately 2.5 m in height and there will be a detailed story of each cricketer alongside their corresponding figure.

Lake Wallace is vital to the district of Edenhope economically, socially, culturally and psychologically. Our project will add a historical aspect by celebrating the achievements of the 1868 team. This will also provide a long-term benefit to the town in increased economic activity. Our project is socially inclusive, culturally relevant and will result in a more resilient and positive community. Projects such as ours have been shown in the past to have measurable benefits to small rural communities. One example is the Silo Art trail in the Wimmera / Southern Mallee.

Project details

Suggested by: James

Project partner: Edenhope Tourism Inc.




65 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


15 Sep 2018

Great Australian history