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Teddy Medic: First-Aid for Children with life threatening health conditions

First-Aid training and Emotional Support group for children with Anaphylaxis

Project details

Suggested by: Joanne

Project partner: Anaphylaxis Network Australia




80 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

TeddyMedic is a unique educational program for children with serious food allergies -Anaphylaxis.

Teddy Medic uses play therapy to assist children overcome any anxiety or fears they have surrounding their health condition, the administration of their life saving auto injector and to also foster social interaction with other children facing a similar journey.

With the support of First Aid officers, children can practice administering their Epi Pen and learn CPR in a safe, inclusive and fun venue!

Children aged between 5-12 will have access to this event held in a beautiful colourful classroom (pictured). Sessions will run every Sunday monthly.

One in ten children are now born with food allergies. Those at risk of Anaphylaxis often report feeling iscolated and alone. There is very little emotional support for families and children living with this condition. We want to fill an important gap and help our local community with a fun, positive and empowering session. Our trial sessions have been overwhelmingly successful with all children being able to self administer their medication by the end of the session - something many of them were too afraid to do before. We need the support to keep going. It’s crucial for our children.

Project details

Suggested by: Joanne

Project partner: Anaphylaxis Network Australia




80 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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