Basketball court

Sun Safety

Providing shade in popular play spaces

Project details

Suggested by: Katie

Project partner: Berwick Chase Primary School




178 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Our goal is to erect a permanent shade structure that protects our student's skin against the elements all year round. A large shade structure would be built to cover the Basketball Courts and Senior Playground. This space may also be utilised by our school community before and after school hours for extra-curricular activities, sporting clubs, personal training, families and the like.

Providing shade over our playground areas not only shows our commitment to our students future, but that of our wider community as well. We aim to provide a safe and protected environment where all members of our community can play, celebrate and learn together. Placing shade in these high-play areas will encourage students, classes and families to get outdoors, build positive relationships and support development in emotional, mental, spiritual and physical well-being. As enrolments continue to grow, and families look for outdoor activities to participate in with their children, this project will provide a space where all can benefit.

Project details

Suggested by: Katie

Project partner: Berwick Chase Primary School




178 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


28 Aug 2018

Much needed for the school and the community who also enjoy using the courts.


27 Aug 2018

They absolutely need this!


27 Aug 2018

A fantastic SUN SAFETY initiative that will benefit the entire community! - Almost 900 students attend the campus during school hours, and many 100's more use these facilities after hours (holiday programs, local sporting associations and community events etc).


27 Aug 2018

A project that many children will benefit from.


27 Aug 2018

A fantastic initiative for the benefit of 900 students but also the before & after school care program, holiday sports programs and the thousands of people that use this school & area after hours - especially during the summer!

Spud murphy

27 Aug 2018

great for the kids and all year round functions and assemblies much needed.

Leanne Maslen

27 Aug 2018

All students have a right to play outside and be protected from the harsh sun rays in summer.


23 Aug 2018

This project will benefit the entire community


20 Aug 2018

A great project for the school and the whole community


14 Aug 2018

This will something that would benefit nearly 900 students