20180708 122755

Shelter and landscaping for Laharum Sports Inc

To provide shelter and landscaping at Cameron Oval, Laharum.

Project details

Suggested by: Vanessa

Project partner: Laharum Sports Inc




78 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

The aim of the project is to improve the facilities at Cameron Oval, Laharum by providing shelter for the playground and spectators and landscaping to the area recently disturbed to build new changerooms. The project contains three main components:
1. to install a shade sail over the recently built playground,
2. to provide shelter for spectators watching the second netball court and end tennis courts and
3. to landscape around the new changerooms and demolished old changerooms/tank area.

Cameron Oval is utilised year round by local sporting groups, CFA and Laharum Primary School. Currently the playground can only be used in fair weather as it has no shelter. There is no shelter for spectators for the other courts and the area around the new changeroom is mostly inaccessible . Making the improvements will give children and spectators shelter and shade and enable the use of the facilities in all types of weather. Improving the accessibility and aesthetics around the new changerooms will enable the community to fully utilise the new changerooms by hosting bigger events and functions.

Project details

Suggested by: Vanessa

Project partner: Laharum Sports Inc




78 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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