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ShareID: New Revolution in Fundraising

Fundraising re-imagined for today. Real-time, digital, trusted, efficient, accessible, universal

Project details

Suggested by: Kieran

Project partner: KOOKAI




Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

The objective of this project is to develop an app to be made available free to all Victorian not-for-profits, and for the benefit to be so overwhelming that they promote its use through their own communication channels. Eventually the app would become synonymous with donating, and a trusted, household name.

"ShareID" aims to address the current challenges of fundraising by focusing on the needs of both the not-for-profit organisation and their donors. These include trust, transparency, sustainability, awareness, engagement, resourcing and administrative overheads.

Core functionality would include "home" pages for organisations, secure payments, and matching donors' passions to relevant causes.

There are obvious benefits to funds flowing into not-for-profits, and smaller/local organisations have more to gain from a platform which gives them the same exposure and opportunities as larger national/global organisations. Donors will be able to search their local area, learn about nearby causes, then contribute at their convenience.

By launching an app, this aims to engage a younger demographic where donors are now predominantly much older. Contributions can be linked into social media channels, and ID codes can provide immediacy by being shared on TV/radio/print media to create emotional link to a cause at the time of greatest impact.

Project details

Suggested by: Kieran

Project partner: KOOKAI




Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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