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Setting Life Goals - Workshops for Women and Girls

Workshops on self motivation, goal evaluation and creating a plan.

Project details

Suggested by: John

Project partner: Dreams to Goals Incorporated




81 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Workshops - Life Goal Setting
A Goal without a Plan is just a Dream! We aim to change that with practical guidance on creating short term and long term plans to achieve personal, professional, wellness, lifestyle and relationship goals. Combining a unique strategy of overlaying Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs with Traditional Life and Career Goal Setting, participants will be empowered with detailed strategies to achieve Life Goals.

1. Young, women, school leavers
2. Women, mums and entrepreneurial women returning to work

Interactive hands-on small group workshops delivered by an Experienced University Business Trainer/Researcher at a local seminar facility.

Local women and girls have little access to coaching and training on life goal setting. These workshops will assist participants to develop a holistic approach to life goal setting, covering aspects such as home, family, relationships, finance, health, career, self esteem, self respect, motivation, creativity, social and community inclusion and self esteem.

Participants will have access to training by an experienced ex-RMIT University Corporate/Community Business Department Manager, Trainer and Researcher. She will be sharing her unique Life Goal Setting Strategy developed through her time surrounded by mentors and experts during her 15 years at RMIT University.

Project details

Suggested by: John

Project partner: Dreams to Goals Incorporated




81 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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09 Sep 2018

What a brilliant idea!
I love it!