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Seniors Technology Lessons

Providing Face to Face Technology Lessons and Workshops to Seniors

Project details

Suggested by: Nicole

Project partner: ReadyTechGo Australia Pty Ltd




68 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

We will be providing technology lessons (computer, tablet and smartphones) to seniors to increase their confidence and skills in the digital world. These lessons will be provided by a team of ReadyTechGo professional trainers in a series of workshops and one-on-one lessons, provided at Wintringham Delahey. Wintringham provides housing and care to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. These lessons aim to empower these individuals, assisting them to gain essential digital skills to gain employment, and interact in a digitally driven world.

Modern technology is moving at a rapid pace and many people, especially seniors, feel that they are being left behind. At the same time, many organisation, services, communication options and entertainment providers are moving to a more digital-based service. Many individuals at Wintringham lack digital skills required for re-entering the workforce. We want to empower older adults with the confidence and skills to embrace modern technology in order to take advantage of the digital services that are now available to them. With this funding, we will be able to provide over 675 lessons between group workshops or individual lessons.

Project details

Suggested by: Nicole

Project partner: ReadyTechGo Australia Pty Ltd




68 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


15 Sep 2018

Definitely required but must include info on scams and fraud based behaviour