Crossing sign

Safer school crossings Wangaratta

Whole of town approach to safer school crossings for Wangaratta.

Project details

Suggested by: Kristen

Project partner: Rural City of Wangaratta




99 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Within the regional town of Wangaratta there are some schools with flashing orange lights at school crossings and the 40 kilometer per hour speed zone is clear to motorists. However, for other schools this important infrastructure is missing, including school zones within the central business district and along major thoroughfare roads. If all school crossings within Wangaratta were fitted with flashing lights to warn motorists of school crossings and speed restrictions during school hours this would improve safety and encourage active transport for school children within Wangaratta.

This project will improve safety for children crossing roads to and from schools and encourage children to walk, ride or scoot to school. Our group has consulted with Victorian Police Traffic Management Unit, Vicroads and the Rural City of Wangaratta to identify the priority areas for installation of flashing 40km per hour lights for schools, namely White street and Williams road, Wangaratta. These streets are utilised by school students from multiple schools, are local thoroughfares, are suitable locations and would benefit from additional infrastructure. Vicroads have assisted with the provision of estimated costs for purchase and installation of lights.

Project details

Suggested by: Kristen

Project partner: Rural City of Wangaratta




99 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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