Recovery artwork


A forum to de-stigmatize violence and sexual trauma against women.

Project details

Suggested by: Ashleigh

Project partner: EDVOS




86 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Recovery is a Podcast and Blog with live events aimed at tackling the taboo and tough issues surrounding violence and sexual trauma against women in Victoria - providing information, resources and breaking the silence and taking out the shame that clouds violence and sexual trauma.

Many women never come forward about the violence they have experienced for the shame and guilt they feel. We break down barriers of shame, embarrassment, guilt, and most of all the silence by talking and asking questions and providing information that is simply not abundantly accessible. The Recovery motto is "Don't let what happened to you, define you. Allow it to re-define you."

Project details

Suggested by: Ashleigh

Project partner: EDVOS




86 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed

Project Owner

Recovery Podcast

04 Sep 2018

Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Register for an account - you'll need to provide an email address and phone number and be over the age of 16 to vote and provide an address.

2. Select the location you want to vote in - this project is in BELGRAVE, postcode 3160. Once you select this location, you cannot vote for projects in different areas.

3. Select Recovery as one project you want to vote for, and then browse the others and choose two other projects to support (you have a total of three votes to use)!


31 Aug 2018

How do I vote for this?