Woorndoo common 1

Promoting the Woorndoo Common wildflower grassland experience

Bring wider public attention to Woorndoo's unique wildflower grassland heritage.

Project details

Suggested by: John

Project partner: Woorndoo Land Protection Group




Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Woorndoo is a village and farming district in south-western Victoria, renowned for its natural heritage - particularly its beautiful and diverse displays of natural wildflower grasslands, on roadsides and other public land, during spring and summer. Woorndoo Common is a large public space adjacent to the Recreation Reserve. It is a spectacular example of species and vegetation communities once abundant on Victoria's western plains.
This project seeks to provide high quality public facilities and interpretations for all who choose to visit Woorndoo and its common. It will be guided by the design principles developed in "Start with the Grasslands" (https://vnpa.org.au/publications/start-with-the-grasslands/).

Woorndoo Common is central to the identity of the district. It is already highly regarded for the quality and diversity of its native vegetation and deserves to be more widely known. The project will address public access to, and interpretation of, its natural heritage values. It aims to promote local recognition of the values of the site and increase the number of visitors to the area. A public consultation process will be followed by the design and implementation of facilities such as a public shelter, picnic and parking area, interpretative information, functional edge treatments to encourage access, and public art.

Project details

Suggested by: John

Project partner: Woorndoo Land Protection Group




Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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