Jake tynan cesar melhem office

Powerful Placements (Western Metro)

Bridging the gap between Community leaders and students with disabilities.

Project details

Suggested by: Oliver

Project partner: Powerful Placements




73 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

The Powerful Placements program will give tertiary and secondary students with disabilities the chance to complete a work experience placement and receive mentorship from community leaders, in particular Members of Parliament and others within government. These disadvantaged students will gain the experience, skills and contacts so that they too can climb the ladder of opportunity. Students will have the chance to work along side staff, completing duties such as general office work and research tasks. Students will also be afforded the opportunity to shadow their mentor and work with and learn from them directly.

The unemployment rate for people with disabilities in Australia is roughly twice that of those without disabilities. Young people with disabilities have less access to the democratic and political process. This initiative will help address both these inequalities and thus benefit the wider community. Moreover, this will help educate those in government and other Leaders about the importance of inclusive work practices that help support people with diverse needs to participate in the workforce. With assistance from the Western Melbourne NDCO this intuitive will ensure that students have the Powerful opportunities they deserve.

Project details

Suggested by: Oliver

Project partner: Powerful Placements




73 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


17 Sep 2018

Well done on this iniatuve Oliver. You have proven performance is this area delivering disability youth focused placements effectively and efficiently and strong community and placement partners.
I hope you project is selected. David.


17 Sep 2018

Excellent initiative Oliver!


17 Sep 2018

A terrific initiative Oliver. This is a great project that gives young people with disabilities the opportunity to become involved in their local community.


17 Sep 2018

Great initiative Oliver giving opportunity and public recognition


16 Sep 2018

This is a great project that gives people with disabilities the the opportunity to learn about the political processes that effect their lives. It also gives MPs and the people who work with them the the opportunity to learn firsthand about the difficulties that disabled people face as well as seeing the positive things that disabled people can bring to the workplace.


16 Sep 2018

This is a great project that, as National Disability Coordination Officer for western Melbourne, I fully support. It will open up new opportunities for students with disability and help Members of Parliament recognise the benefits of diversity and inclusion. Powerful Placements definitely gets my vote! All the best Oliver.


16 Sep 2018

This is a wonderful idea. I know this type of program provides benefits to the young people involved and enable other workers to get a good understanding of the difficulties faced by people with a disability as well as demonstrating to them all the good things that a disabled person can bring to the workplace.