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Playground Upgrade & Community Garden

Sun shade cover over our playground and community garden

Project details

Suggested by: Narelle

Project partner: Moyhu Football & Netball Club




Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

This project is for Moyhu locals and the greater community to access and use during daylight hours 7 days a week. It will allow use of the playground which is located at the Moyhu Recreation Reserve over the hot summer months. The Recreation Reserve is the hub of the Moyhu community which is small but very active. The community garden will turn a high maintenance wasted area into a community space that can be used for those who wish to access it.

At present the community playground can only be used in fair weather conditions which are usually only when it is not raining or not too hot. The addition of a cover will allow access to the playground all year round. The community garden is planned for an area that is sectioned off but only home to weeds and rocks. We plan to develop this section of the reserve into a community garden that can be accessed by Moyhu residents. It is planned to plant low maintenance native plants as well as herbs and vegetables that can be used by volunteers.

Project details

Suggested by: Narelle

Project partner: Moyhu Football & Netball Club




Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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