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Playdate Workouts

Accessible digital workouts helping people meet move mingle on playdates

Project details

Suggested by: Hasmin

Project partner: Common Purpose Collective




Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Playdate workouts is a digital, friendly platform that enhances your playground experience.

We are tapping into existing behaviours of people on playdates and redefining how time is spent in the space. Through our platform we trigger, motivate and provide people with the ability to use mobile first exercise videos / plans using the same park equipment the kids use.

The content format is tailored to three levels (beginner / medium / hard) and delivered through your phones. We will also run offline live workshops on nutrition, movement, connection and wellbeing. We plan to scale to every park in Victoria eventually.

Our platform unlocks the power of playgrounds to transform lives in a fun way.

Our platform combats social isolation by encouraging people to meet-up. We all know the early years of parenting can be quite lonely and isolating. So we are designing a platform to help people connect

Our platform also tackles physical health issues as we are triggering easy, accessible fitness programs designed to use outdoor space during playdates.

Our platform tackles mental health; the profiling and gamification features encourage you to get to know like minded people in your community who also want to meet, move and mingle.

Project details

Suggested by: Hasmin

Project partner: Common Purpose Collective




Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


27 Aug 2018

How many of us sit on our phones while our kids play on the playground. I’d do this workout for sure and it also sets a good example for our children about being active!


24 Aug 2018

Just what everyone in the trenches of early parenthood needs! Such a great initiative on so many levels. Hasmin is a talented trainer and educator who’d do a fantastic job implementing this project.


17 Aug 2018

Love this, on so many levels this has the potential to enrich lives.


14 Aug 2018

Sounds fantastic this gets my vote!!!!


14 Aug 2018

This would be an incredible initiative. Just what our community needs.

Marjie Gorman

14 Aug 2018

Such an amazing idea I love it!!