Location map clipart 2

Maps for Wyndham

Local volunteers create an App that maps points of interest.

Project details

Suggested by: lynda

Project partner: Envision Employment Services




52 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

“Maps for Wyndham” will train local volunteers and engage disadvantaged youth to create unique online maps. These maps display and pinpoint detailed information encompassing the many varied local service clubs, historic and culturally significant indigenous locations. Adding quirky and unique local content will add to the attraction of the APP. Research to obtain this information will be conducted at local historical societies, libraries, council archives and indigenous groups. The project aims to assist in training for those with minimal IT skills as well as more advanced participants. We envisage an outcome that has the potential to lead to paid employment.

The project will benefit the local community and engage disadvantaged youth by providing a range of IT, administration and fundamental social skills. They will create an App that highlights a range of local attractions - some well-known, some quite quirky. The activity will also encourage socialisation through working together plus provide information on the local indigenous story, the services and community clubs that make up Wyndham. It is anticipated that this will become a social enterprise where, as other interesting parts of Victoria and Australia are populated on the maps, increased usage will allow for a financial return.

Project details

Suggested by: lynda

Project partner: Envision Employment Services




52 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


30 Aug 2018

I believe that this already exists. Try the My Wynndham app created by the Council