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Job Seeker: Survival Guide - empowering job seekers to succeed!

FREE workshop to help job seekers feel confident and unstoppable!

Project details

Suggested by: Deb

Project partner: Central Christian Church - Seymour Inc






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The FREE mobile workshop will be available to everyone throughout the Goulburn Valley who may be looking to find employment or step into their next career. The one hour program includes a range of topics and activities to build resilience and adequately prepare job seekers for the challenges they may encounter in the journey ahead. Job seekers will learn techniques to overcome adversity and feel empowered in their search for meaningful employment. Every participant will be provided with resources, activities and refreshments. Everyone is welcome to learn the steps to job seeking success!

The FREE workshop will be available to all people throughout the Goulburn Valley region who may be struggling with the frustration and challenges of unemployment. The mobile workshop is designed to empower job seekers with the skills and resilience to continue seeking employment, despite the cycle of challenges they face to secure meaningful work. The workshop focuses on the importance of 'upskilling', managing rejection and preparing for interviews, which can create a cycle of low self-esteem and lack of motivation to keep moving forward. This project is designed to create a happy, healthy and resilient community for future generations!

Project details

Suggested by: Deb

Project partner: Central Christian Church - Seymour Inc






Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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