Harmony tree 3763

Harmony Tree

Sound installation to bring peaceful atmosphere to Geelong.

Project details

Suggested by: jasmine

Project partner: City of Greater Geelong






91 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Harmony Tree is a harmonious sound installation of bells that create a song of unity when activated by the blowing of the wind, transforming a space into a gathering place of peace and respect.
This work prompts a rediscovery of the natural world, through disrupting the normal hustle and bustle sounds of general Geelong. Transforming the atmosphere into one that evokes a sense of harmony, peace, happiness and wellness amongst the community. Thousands of bells of different sounds and shapes will be placed across the trees, encouraging people to sit, listen and be present in the moment.

The benefit of this temporary sound installation is the shift that it will create in the atmosphere of little malop/marketsquare . From a space that is known at times, to hold a sense of disharmony and dispute amongst community members, to a place that evokes a sense of peacefulness and harmony. Previously exhibited in Noble Park (https://www.jasmine-grace.com/harmony-tree), the work successfully saw a decrease in violence and disputes and an increase in sense of wellness, peacefulness and safety amongst local community members. This work will encourage people of all ages and demographics to access and experience the space in a new

Project details

Suggested by: jasmine

Project partner: City of Greater Geelong






91 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed

Little Nan

16 Sep 2018

Simply beautiful........
So calming,
So lovely.


15 Sep 2018

Sounds like a lovely idea :)


15 Sep 2018

Love the Harmony Tree! :)