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HALT's Suicide Prevention Community Project Worker

Suicide Prevention programs across all of the Loddon Campaspe region

Project details

Suggested by: Jeremy

Project partner: HALT (Hope Assistance Local Tradies)




208 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Not only has HALT established it's 'Save your Bacon' brekkies in hardware stores for tradies but has since been to Tafe's, secondary colleges, sporting clubs, Men's sheds and the farming community with it's message of opening up conversations around mental health and suicide.
HALT has a whole of community approach to suicide prevention and would like to have a HALT worker available throughout the Loddon Campaspe area to coordinate and speak at events, run suicide prevention training programs and present to community groups.
HALT is an established brand in suicide prevention and has a strong community presence.

HALT has successfully engaged blue collar workers (tradies, farmers, miners, factory workers, apprentices) who local and national services find it hard to access.
HALT opens up the conversations in those difficult male cultures and breaks through the stigma attached to mental health and suicide. HALT builds the bridge between the tradie communities and both local and national services, giving men the tools to help themselves or a mate if they need help.
HALT encourages people to listen, initiate the tough conversation and know when your mate is struggling.
HALT also facilitates training and education in the suicide prevention area.

Project details

Suggested by: Jeremy

Project partner: HALT (Hope Assistance Local Tradies)




208 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


17 Sep 2018

A worthy and valuable service to the community.


16 Sep 2018

An envaluable and important service to our community.


05 Sep 2018

HALT is an invaluable grassroots organisation that is highly effective in engaging a difficult to access demographic to bring about positive change around suicide prevention.


21 Aug 2018

HALT is a great grass roots initiative making a big difference to small communities and the people in them. Well done Jez.


18 Aug 2018

This needs to be Australia wide


15 Aug 2018

The problem of self harming deaths in regional Central Victoria needs to be addressed at grass roots level! Having been personally affected by this, Jeremy Forbes at Halt is doing this important work. As an unfunded charity, Jeremy needs all the help he can get to keep this vital organisation going!!!


15 Aug 2018

I am proud to support this critical program for tradies across regional Victoria. The is no doubt that Jez has given his everything to this program on the smell of an oily rag. It is time for HALT to get the support it so richly deserves to engage and spend its work across the regions. Good luck team!


14 Aug 2018

Great program, original concept developed from personal experience in the local community. Many hours and personal resources put into establishing and spreading this program. A program that really deserves funding.


13 Aug 2018

Jeremy gives his time and passion far and wide: advocates at the highest level, and works at the grassroots. If there is one project that has 'done their dues' with a track record of integrity- then this is one project that SHOULD be funded. Important work.


13 Aug 2018

Top notch bloke who is providing the community with much needed discussion, this project needs all the support it can gather in order for the word to spread and the conversation to continue. It is groups, events and discussions like the ones that HALT continues to promote are saving lives.

Narelle L

13 Aug 2018

amazing and much needed program


13 Aug 2018

Absolutely brilliant and so important and necessary
We need this to happen