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Guide Hall Accessibility and Safety Upgrade

Building upgrades to the Hamilton Guide Hall.

Project details

Suggested by: Polly

Project partner: Girl Guides Victoria




62 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

The grant money will be used towards infrastructure upgrades to the Hamilton Guide Hall, for a safer and more inclusive meeting place. Specific items required include replacement of emergency exit doors, creating disabled access and ramps to external doors, renovating both bathrooms to include one disabled bathroom, replacement of windows with safety screens, purchasing of a new hot water system, and removal and replacement of asbestos for further renovations to the kitchen and storeroom in the future.

Currently three different community groups meet at the Guide Hall on a regular basis, the main group being the 3rd Hamilton Guides, Girl Guides aging from 5-12. None of these groups can accommodate anyone in a wheelchair with the current steps and access. Many parents have been concerned about the safety of the hall in regards to the asbestos, and it, along with our funds, limit what renovations we can do. Making the building more accessible and safer will be reduce public concern of the young girls and community groups, and not discriminate towards those with accessibility needs.

Project details

Suggested by: Polly

Project partner: Girl Guides Victoria




62 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


07 Sep 2018

Great idea. Support groups that are supporting young people.


16 Aug 2018

The Guide Hall accessibility and safety upgrade will benefit the Guides and other community groups who use the hall.