Graduation certificate pink glasses

Geekgirl Graduates

Creating computer workshops designed to assist gurls in regional areas.

Project details

Suggested by: Rosie

Project partner: Creswick Neighbourhood Centre




Less than 50 votes received

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Inviting women in the Central Highlands region of Victoria, to attend workshops at CNC, that will host cool workshops for gurls* interested in tech.

Intensive workshops will run over summer 2018/2019 & help participants understand the opportunities & diversity of emergent digital technologies. GGGRads founder, the original geekgirl, RosieX says: “My goal is to expose regional gurls to what's 'out there', whether it's an info session on IOT, Blockchain, AI or Machine Learning, we'll have fun learning about it!

Providing info sessions and hands-on workshops. Participants will be rewarded with Certificates & goodies.

Gurls* are women of all ages. :-)

With quite a few options now available in cities to present these ideas, few exist in rural and regional areas. Gurls are mostly informed via social media or chatting with their friends. Although, they may also be exposed to computer classes at school there is also constant change and innovation in technology, that the school curriculum doesn't include. These workshops will present an opportunity for gurls to learn about the latest trends and understand that there may be some exciting career paths in emergent technologies. We want to motivate gurls to keep learning and follow their passion and tech dreams.

Project details

Suggested by: Rosie

Project partner: Creswick Neighbourhood Centre




Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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