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Foundation House Development

Development of Not for profit hub in Ballarat

Project details

Suggested by: Matt

Project partner: The Ballarat Foundation




Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Development of a not for profit hub to house and support small local not for profit organisations and businesses that support them.
Foundation House will consist of a combination of meeting spaces, open planned coworking spaces and private suites.
Currently access to the upper and lower levels is by stairs only and part of the revdelopment will address some of the accessibility issues.
Tenants will be able to utilise shared services such as reception, printing and meeting rooms allowing them to reduce costs, increase collaboration, and increase the professionalism in how they present their business.

By bringing together a number of smaller not for profits we hope to allow each tenant to achieve the following:
- Reduce their operating costs:
- Increase collaboration and minimise duplication of resources.
- Achieve greater ecomonomies of scale for each organisation by combining our needs.
- Increase their organisational capacity.

These outcomes and others will then allow the following benefits to flow through to the community.
- Greater Community Impact.
- Decrease the burden on local funding channels such as local, state and federal government, philanthropic organisations and community goodwill.
- Greater opportunities for others to prosper.

Project details

Suggested by: Matt

Project partner: The Ballarat Foundation




Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


13 Aug 2018
