Happy people

Employment skills for all

All people should have access to basic employment skills training

Project details

Suggested by: Mary

Project partner: Laverton Community Integrated Services




136 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

We believe that all people should have access to basic employment skills training and have an available program that teaches how to get and maintain employment in growth industries.
LCIS want to offer up a program that combines;
• free employment preparedness training, how to prepare for and get a job;
• first aid;
• food handling;
• and other essential skills.
These will be targeted to ensure prospective employees are skilled and ready to work in the aged/disability/child/care industries, hospitality and other proven growth industries.

Imagine wanting to work, being willing and able to work, but missing opportunity after opportunity because you couldn’t afford $150 for Safe Food Handling.
If we can invest in our local community by equipping them with employability skills and education in the local growth industries, we create a community of educated and employed people. This in turn limits their requirement for financial assistance/dependence and empowers them to take charge of their on future.
Not only will this limit the reliance on support agencies across the board, it will help to shape future generations by modelling positive behaviour.

Project details

Suggested by: Mary

Project partner: Laverton Community Integrated Services




136 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


17 Sep 2018

Good one


13 Aug 2018

Great initiative