Moll hall 1980s  001

Completing regeneration of the Mollongghip Community Hall

We never again want our community hall to be dilapidated!

Project details

Suggested by: Jodie

Project partner: Mollongghip Hall and Tennis Committee Inc.




126 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

In the 1980s, our 115yo hall was dilapidated as pictured, but since then hard work by many locals has brought it back from the brink. We want to continue conserving the hall as the vital heart of our remote community. We have just 'cocooned' the supper room with new weatherboards and insulation, ensuring it's weatherproofed against the wind, rains and mists battering our high valley. Now we seek to wrap the cocooning right around the hall, adding double-glazed windows and a water tank, completing the task of regeneration.
For why vote for the hall, visit the Mollongghip Hall Facebook page.

The hall is the only asset that is shared by the small community of Mollongghip. It acts as the social hub where we hold much-loved seasonal events, such as summer's Progressive Dinner where we climb one of the surrounding hills, the Harvest Festival in autumn, a Mid Winter Feast and the famous Poetry Slam.
In between, the hall's the glue strengthening community. Every Saturday morning, locals meet to swap news and gossip. We offer shelter to walkers and bikers who take to the Goldfields Track. We host a music festival, plays, family reunions, a craft beer tasting, energy hub workshops.

Project details

Suggested by: Jodie

Project partner: Mollongghip Hall and Tennis Committee Inc.




126 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed

Kim Gilliott

28 Aug 2018

Lovely Mollonghip Hall - you just got my precious third vote! Along with 'Pack My Lunch' and 'Festival in Creswick'. Best of luck! :)

Andrew Rumble

25 Aug 2018

Mollongghip community hall is the centre of the eclectic and incredibly welcoming Mollongghip community. It serves as a gathering place on a regular basis and from what I understand has been this way for probably generations. This tradition of inclusion and community deserves to be supported by a grant to ensure this gem is able to continue to provide this amazing community with a meeting place.

Larry Dowd

25 Aug 2018

Mollongghip is an amazing community and uses the hall as a gathering point for too many events to mention!!!


23 Aug 2018

It is wonderful to see a Community working hard to save a part of their history. To often it would be pulled down and something new , without the history put up in its place.


14 Aug 2018

A very well run country hall and the hub of a small community. Regular events for the community and visitors. Funding will be well spent here.


14 Aug 2018

This little hall is the centre of a community with a big heart. Remoteness should not be a reason they are not financially supported. Events are exciting, educational and inclusive. Dr Linda Zibell


13 Aug 2018

We have so many wonderful events at the Hall. The Winter Feast, Summer Progressive Dinner, the annual Poetry Slam in November, music festivals, parties, Scrabble Championship and the weekly Saturday morning paper run where residents take it in turns to buy the newspapers and bring them back to the Hall, where we gather for a coffee and a chat. We welcome everyone to our events, whether they come from near or far. Mollongghip is a small and unusually inclusive community and the Hall is where it all happens.


13 Aug 2018

‘I'd been living here 2 days when a lovely woman knocked on my door to let me know there was a party at the Hall that afternoon and would I like to come? Right away, the Hall was clearly an institution in the area, it means a lot to the people, it’s used actively and in interesting, creative ways. So from the very outset it was really clear to me that this was going to be a place for connecting with the community, for meeting people, for sharing common interests … it’s brilliant.’ Bryce, newest Mollongghip resident


13 Aug 2018

This hall is such an important part of this rural community. It is all they have and should be preserved and upgraded to allow everyone to come together for all kind of events. It’s needed to support their lives and livelihoods.