
‘Community training program’

Computer training program for seniors

Project details

Suggested by: Rufina

Project partner: Sameway Magazine




150 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

The computer training program aims to hold eight classes and provide seniors with easy-control electronic devices such as iPads.

Seniors who live in Box Hill have limited English language ability and limited social interaction. Also, they lack computer skills which are an important skill to keep up with the development of technology and the society. These limitations largely contribute to decreasing self-confidence, self-esteem, and social inclusion.

Senior can receive a variety of benefits from learning computer skills. They can learn English from home, widen their social interaction, communicate with family and friends from distant, get in touch with up-to-date news and videos, expand hobbies and daily activities.

For further information, please visit our website www.cssg.org.au.

Project details

Suggested by: Rufina

Project partner: Sameway Magazine




150 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


16 Sep 2018

Helpful for self confidence and better daily life of seniors.


20 Aug 2018

你们好!很高兴看到这个项目, 因为我目前就在辅导一组老年人学习电脑新知识,因此深知熟悉掌握现代技术对老人融入社区,便捷生活的重要性。我会投这个项目一票,同时我也想知道你们这个项目会不会缺教师资源,我很乐意帮忙。我的email地址是:jennywang129@qq.com、电话0433661209.

Raymond Chow

14 Aug 2018

Helping Seniors to be connected through technology