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Community Radio Training Facilities

Community radio training facilities for all community members to access.

Project details

Suggested by: Fiona

Project partner: Goulburn Valley Community Radio Incorporated






Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Our community would benefit from training facilities at our local community radio station in many ways. Local schools would be able to access these facilities to ensure authenticity of the delivery of their media, music and English curriculum. All community members would have access as these facilities would physically cater for community members with disabilities, CALD community members, our youth, our elderly - totally inclusive. Community members would have access to become fully fledged volunteer presenters and/or acquire new skills. Schools could access the facilities and the trainers currently at the station to upskill students and new programs.

Our local community already benefits from the services provided by OneFM. Training facilities would ensure that more community members have access to the station and access to having their voice heard, their music shared, and their events promoted. Training facilities would result in more community members becoming involved in their local community and would allow more people to gain access to this art form. Community members currently access our station in many ways - as listeners, volunteer station members, volunteer presenters and members of the board. Our local community would benefit from these facilities that aren't available anywhere else.

Project details

Suggested by: Fiona

Project partner: Goulburn Valley Community Radio Incorporated






Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


31 Aug 2018

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