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Community Market Champions

Employment opportunities for people from culturally diverse backgrounds

Project details

Suggested by: Eyayaw

Project partner: The Community Grocer




159 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

The Community Grocer's runs weekly affordable fresh food markets with a vision for food for healthy connected communities. We want to give people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds an opportunity to gain employment with us at their local fruit and vegetable market. We will create two positions for market assistants to work one day a week at the market. The role will also include a community engagement component, with the person acting as a 'community champion' to help promote the market by engaging with their own community through events and community groups.

Many people with migrant backgrounds face a range of challenges finding employment. The Community Grocer will work together with the “Given The Chance” program - a program which specializes in assisting marginalised job seekers into work. The role of Community Market Champion will give participants essential 'on the job' work experience, as well a sense of community inclusion and language practice. Skills gained include customer service, money handling, stock management and community development, all of which are highly transferable to other roles.

Project details

Suggested by: Eyayaw

Project partner: The Community Grocer




159 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed

Nouha Mohtadi

15 Aug 2018

Great idea. SpaceMatch is also a fellow finalist. Good luck with getting selected, we hope to help you find a location for your markets should our project also be selected. Check out out facebook page for more information : )


14 Aug 2018

A fabulous initiative!