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Community Basketball Shelter

Community undercover basketball shelter.

Project details

Suggested by: Andrea

Project partner: Shepparton East Primary School






128 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

The undercover basketball shelter would be accessible to the school for various programs as well as the wider community groups all year round. Utilised by the school community for assemblies, sporting programs, larger scale outdoors events and a before/after school care program, it would also be a hub for community events, a meeting place for locals and training site for Shepparton East Fire Brigade. Local sporting teams train using the school's basketball court facilities, and this will allow practice to continue regardless of weather. With a war memorial adjacent to the court, community services for ANZAC/Remembrance day will also benefit.

Currently there aren't any undercover facilities within the Shepparton East Community for the primary school, sporting groups, fire-brigade or community to use. The town's population is rapidly growing and the school has doubled enrolments to 300 students over the last 6 years. With no shelter for larger events such as assemblies or community services, these are often cancelled due to weather.
The shelter will address community need as the school is easily accessible for the wider community to utilise this area for their football, netball and basketball training, or meetings as required on a year round basis, regardless of weather.

Project details

Suggested by: Andrea

Project partner: Shepparton East Primary School






128 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


11 Sep 2018

Very much needed facility for the school and community, they have to hold their assemblies on the outside on the netball courts,!


11 Sep 2018

This will have a huge impact on the school community, as well as the surrounding community of Shepparton East from the local sporting clubs to CFA. Love the idea of creating a community hub at the school which is centrally located.


04 Sep 2018

Great project for the school and community alike!! Finally seeing my rates at work going towards something of true community benefit!! Go Shepp East

30 Aug 2018

This will make such a difference to the students & teachers at Shepp East


29 Aug 2018

The school would benefit so much from this!


19 Aug 2018

A much needed project for this great school, that I have seen grow in size. This undercover facility will be great for the students in the summer and winter months for them to play under.

17 Aug 2018

The school has out grown the inside of buildings and can only meet altogether on the netball courts


17 Aug 2018

Much needed all weather community/school gathering facility.


16 Aug 2018

A much needed project for a very a very deserving growing community


15 Aug 2018

This will be a great asset in uniting the many different cultures in the immediate Shepparton East area.