Youth girls

Bringing them together through ART

Bring all generations together through participating in art

Project details

Suggested by: Dean

Project partner: Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-Operative






Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Set up a meeting/gathering place that is easily accessible to all generations of the local Aboriginal community. It will be set up on the site of our Aged Care Facility enabling our residents in care to easily access and congregate with other community members. We have found that different age groups within the Aboriginal community communicate better when in a relaxed and therapeutic environment. A meeting place dedicated to art therapy would assist in bringing community together and allow them to share their family stories and history.

This project will play a major part in ensuring that local Aboriginal history and culture is not lost or forgotten. The area we wish to develop will provide a relaxed and inviting location for Elders to share their culture and history with younger Aboriginal people ensuring that nothing is lost.

Project details

Suggested by: Dean

Project partner: Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-Operative






Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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