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Blackwood Tennis & Netball Club - Court Refurbishment & Clubroom

Refurbish the Blackwood tennis courts, including a netball court/clubroom.

Project details

Suggested by: Rachel

Project partner: The Blackwood Progress Association Inc.




52 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Blackwood is a small and vibrant bush-community of 350 people. At our beautiful recreation reserve we have two very old tennis courts that are quite damaged and unused. There is also an existing shelter. The Blackwood Progress Association has approximately $32K to put towards upgrading the tennis courts, including netball facilities. We would love to construct a club room and purchase some sports equipment. We had a community BBQ and signed up 20 paid Blackwood Tennis & Netball Club members, indicated that we have interest and support from the community. This facility can be accessed by everyone.

Blackwood has limited sport and recreation facilities and this would be a great town asset. This would encourage health and wellbeing through exercise and sports teams. It was also foster community connectedness as it is social and fun. It would benefit local businesses as it would attract visitors to the area to use the facility and to play in sporting tournaments. Blackwood has a changing demographic with more young families moving to town and this would also be a great resource for young people.

Project details

Suggested by: Rachel

Project partner: The Blackwood Progress Association Inc.




52 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed

Carol Guthrie

21 Aug 2018

Blackwood and all visitors to Blackwood would benefit greatly from this project. Many new families with young children have moved to Blackwood. It is so important for our young people to have recreational facilities they can use. It would also be fantastic for all the visitors who use Blackwood as a holiday destination. The existing tennis courts are in great need of an upgrade.


18 Aug 2018

This would be a fantastic project to address both the mental and physical health of a small rural community.