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Biodiversity and Sustainability News, Websites, and Facebook Groups

Build website and social network groups about sustainability & biodiversity

Project details

Suggested by: Khoa Tan

Project partner: Keep Victoria Beautiful




Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

- Build a mobile-friendly website that summarise biodiversity and sustainable innovations, news, strategies, government planning from trusted sources for Australians to digest daily.
- Build Facebook groups to attract Australians to join and discuss different topics like volunteering, local travelling, buying sustainable and organic groceries, local green business, networking etc.
- Website and groups will post intuitive and simplified information about how to live sustainably, protect the urban biodiversity, stay up-to-date with environmental organisations. Fair, balanced and unbiased.
- Strict control of spamming, no advertising, no scam, news posted must be verified from government sources and prestigious media.

- Australians read the website on daily basis to raise awareness about urban biodiversity decline, plastic pollution, over consumption, littering issues.
- Australians read the website to understand the government and city council plans, university courses and projects, for environment and sustainability with more graphics, mind maps, videos etc.
- Australians can look up useful information about the environment in the website directories and checklist.
- Australians can discuss these issues in the Facebook groups, make friends, organise local events, volunteering etc.
- Australians read about leading local cities and suburbs that value environment sustainability, make donations and stay updated.

Project details

Suggested by: Khoa Tan

Project partner: Keep Victoria Beautiful




Less than 50 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


17 Sep 2018

Love it :)


25 Aug 2018

Good project