Bbbs cropped artwork two people

Big Brothers Big Sisters, Youth Mentoring within Northern Metro Region

Mentors for our youth, who just need another supportive person.

Project details

Suggested by: Laura

Project partner: Big Brothers Big Sisters Australia




114 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

We believe, the adage: It takes a village to raise a child.

Today's villages are struggling. Social isolation and lack of support is being experienced by more and more young Australians.

Looking around our communities, we can identify the supporter's our youth have in their lives:
Their parents - The Providers
Their friends - The Companions
Their teachers - The Educators
For many, a piece is missing: • An encouraging adult role model of their own - The Supporter.
Meaningful relationships outside of parents, friends, teachers and authority figures are integral to the development of a healthy and empowered generation.

We would like to provide mentors to the youth of the Northern Metropolitan region.

Through our structured mentoring programs young people have the opportunity to unlock their potential and build a brighter future.

We know that by positively changing the course of a young person's life we can build resilience and a sense of self-worth in young people, by helping them to stay at school, and improve their relationships with families and their community which in turn can lead to long-term community benefits like an increase in school retention, school and community safety, and greater employment.

Project details

Suggested by: Laura

Project partner: Big Brothers Big Sisters Australia




114 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


02 Sep 2018

Best of luck.


22 Aug 2018

BBS has the same effect as the NYC "broken window theory' - fix one and you'll fix many an attitude and circumstances with in that one individual that will them help their community