Bree park

Beautifying Bree Park

Creating a park the community can better utilise and enjoy

Project details

Suggested by: Marcus

Project partner: Southern Grampians Shire Council




86 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

The current park opposite the hospital is an eyesore and highly under-utilised.
The vision is to design a park that is community inclusive. A green and lush area for people to sit and enjoy (or maybe have a break from hospital visits) is proposed, as well as a larger area for children to enjoy an educational but fun play ground. A large flat green space will also be a feature, which could have multiple uses such as a base for a community market or a place where people can enjoy or practice sports casually.

There is a strong push at the moment for a healthier community - having Bree Park refurbished will mean the park will be more inviting to all age groups and sectors not only for those who live within the community but also those visiting. It is also directly opposite the local hospital, but currently doesn't accommodate for those that need some space from the hospital wards. It will also be great to encourage community members to try social sports on the flat green area where membership and insurance isn't a requirement - an inhibitor for many under financial/time restraints.

Project details

Suggested by: Marcus

Project partner: Southern Grampians Shire Council




86 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed

Beautiful Hamilton

15 Aug 2018

This park is NOT an eyesore. It is an undulating, mown, largely native grassland with scattered established and younger native and exotic trees which provide open and shady areas. Maintained all weather paths suitable for bikes, prams etc cross the park from each side. A small playground, a picnic shelter and scattered seating currently exist.
This park is valued and used by locals and visitors including those visiting the hospital and other health care facilities. Within the hospital there already exists a beautiful manicured garden designed specifically for patient and visitor use.
This proposal could potentially degrade the current values of the site and incur greater managemnt costs and staff commitments from local government than the current park does. Communities often struggle to maintain facilities that were externally funded to construct but lack supporting funding for on going management.
Within a short walking distance of Bree Park there are a number and variety of first class public sporting facilities covering a wide range of sports. There are also a number of children's playgrounds including the recently constructed adventure playground nearby.
Regular, popular community markets are held at two very suitable nearby sites, one of them custom built specifically for markets and events. Other very suitable sites for markets are used intermittently.
Lush green grass may not any longer be possible or desirable. The availability of water and management may be unrealistic expectations.

When considering and planning a proposal like this one care must be taken to
*identify and respect the current values and users of the site
*identify the potential for adverse imact on the current values of this site
*consider the potential impact of competing with other nearby community facilities for user numbers and funds
*identify the capacity for ongoing maintenance and management of the new facility

This proposal is obviously well intended but with the information provided on the voting page it would seem to have been lacking in research both of the existing the facility and it's users and also the need for a new altered park.