Pick my project baby photo

Assistance for new babies and parents in need.

Providing baby bundles, toys and books for needy new families.

Project details

Suggested by: Leanne

Project partner: Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House Inc




125 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

We will provide baby bundles for needy underprivileged families with new babies who are experiencing difficulties such as illness, unemployment or homelessness. These baby bundles will contain warm baby clothing, blankets and essential equipment such as nappies. We will also provide information about managing difficulties in children, such as toilet training, sleep and behaviour difficulties by loaning out books and other resources through our toy library, and will ensure that the toys we provide to children through the library are safe and attractive to ensure that families in crisis are keen to continue to attend our service with their children.

Many of the families who seek help from our service are experiencing major crises and therefore are not always able to give their children the care and attention they need. Difficulties such as low and unstable income, unemployment and family emergencies mean that families can struggle to manage children's behaviour issues and to provide essential equipment for their children. Providing warm baby clothes, blankets and equipment as well as loaning out toys and vital parenting information will equip parents with the skills and resources to ensure their children have a better chance of growing up in a happy, well-resourced home.

Project details

Suggested by: Leanne

Project partner: Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House Inc




125 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


Comments closed


13 Aug 2018

A really needed service in the area