Adventure Playground and Skate Park for Mt Baw Baw
Construct a adventure playground and skate park
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Suggested by: Andrew
Project partner: Mount Baw Baw Alpine Resort
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Currently Mt Baw Baw Alpine Resort has very limited passive/no cost facilities for winter and summer use that covers the age demographics of children aged 4-10 and old kids 9-16. This proposal seeks to address these aspects by creating an adventure playground within the resort and a skate park within the day carpark during summer months. The playground will provide a passive outdoor play for use in green or white season. When there is no snow there is very little to do for kids that involves outdoor activities or simple play.
Annually, Mt Baw Baw has 119,191 visitors (vehicles) based on its annual report. In most cases each vehicle would contain between 2 - 6 people attending the resort. The demographics of the resort during white season is towards beginners snow experiences and would contain a high number of children under the age of 8 but also older siblings up to 16 years old. Having a playground in the resort that would provide an enhanced visitor experience during white season, would also increase the attraction for the same visitors to return during green season.
Project details
Suggested by: Andrew
Project partner: Mount Baw Baw Alpine Resort
Less than 50 votes received
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25 Aug 2018
Fantastic idea for Summer and Winter vistors