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A Year of Transformative Reach Programs in Mildura Region

Youth-led Reach workshops for young people in Mildura

Project details

Suggested by: Harriet

Project partner: The Reach Foundation






58 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.

Reach aims to run 40 workshops in various schools, making four trips to the Mildura region over a year-long period. Reach have been working in the region for over 18 years, forming relationships with schools and community groups, with an especially close bond to the local Indigenous community. Our workshops are youth-led, which means the people writing this application (pictured) - aged between 19 and 25 - will be the ones running the programs. Our work is high impact and worth every cent to the young people we work with - you are helping invest in their future!

Mildura has over 4,000 young people who could benefit from these programs. With rural suicide rates more than 50% higher than in capital cities, Reach workshops are vital in showing young people how to talk about their emotions and reach out for help when they need it.

“I can’t speak highly enough of Reach and their ability to engage and encourage students to dig a little deeper than usual in a comfortable and safe space.
The knowledge, wisdom, and value gained from yesterday afternoon was indescribable and the facilitators were infectiously motivated and passionate.” - Irymple Secondary College

Project details

Suggested by: Harriet

Project partner: The Reach Foundation






58 votes received

This project did not receive enough votes to be successful.


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Garden of HOPE Mildura INC

13 Aug 2018

A necessity